Cultura Latinoamericana Cultura Latinoamericana is the journal of the Master’s program in Scienze politiche per la pace e l’integrazione dei popoli [Political Sciences for Peace and People Integration] of the Università degli Studi di Salerno [University of Salerno] in cooperation with the Universidad Católica de Colombia [Catholic University of Colombia] (Maestría en Ciencia Política con énfasis en Paz e Integración) [Master’s program in Political Science, with special attention on peace and integration]. It aims to publish scientific essays which are original findings of research, by national and foreign authors outside the publishing entity, about Political Sciences, with an intercultural approach focused on Latin-American and Caribbean reality, with a special attention on the Iberian world.
Cultura Latinoamericana is published every six months and is aimed at the international academic and professional community working in the field of Political and Social Sciences. The journal has four sections: History and Politics, History of Ideas and of Culture, Economics and Law, Iberian Studies. It also includes a Notes and discussions section, devoted to reviews and bibliographical essays, in order to contribute to the development of a critical reflection and an interchange of different views about political science’s topics, theoretical proposals and research findings, mostly about Latin-American, Caribbean and Iberian reality.