Cómo citar
De Rosa, G. L. . (2022). MÁRIO DE ANDRADE’S GRAMATIQUINHA AND THE QUESTION OF LANGUAGE IN BRAZILIAN MODERNISM. Cultura Latinoamericana, 36(2), 310–324. Recuperado a partir de https://editorial.ucatolica.edu.co/index.php/RevClat/article/view/5011
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The present work focuses on the position of Mário de Andrade in relation to the
specificity of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) through the analysis of the annotations in A
Gramatiquinha da fala brasileira, which has recently been published in a commemorative
edition edited by Aline Novais de Almeida of the Guimarães Rosa Institute (Alexandre
de Gusmão Foundation, 2022).
In order to do this, the analysis describes the author’s reaction to the exclusive use
of the standard variety of European Portuguese in the literary domain, with particular
attention to the utopian attempt to reduce the Brazilian diglossic relationship through
the use of typical features of the emerging Brazilian grammar in literary writing, both in
dialogues and in narration and description

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