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Ciarletta, M. . (2022). LA EMIGRACIÓN VALDENSE EN EL RÍO DE LA PLATA. ENTRE MARGINALIDAD HISTORIOGRÁFICA Y REALIDAD (SIGLO XIX). Cultura Latinoamericana, 35(1), 58–71. Recuperado de
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The contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian
emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historio graphical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon in
question, an attempt was made to reconstruct the articulated paths and
difficulties encountered by the inhabitants of the valleys in their wanderings towards South America. around the role played by the piemontesi
women’s missionary associations) with the clarification of the socio-economic contribution provided by the valley communities to the host territories which represented both for the countries of Latin America and for
the neo-Waldensian settlers, a real political compromise.


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