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Tramontana, G. (2022). PEDRO JUAN GUTIÉRREZ. LET’S NOT CALL IT DIRTY REALISM. Cultura Latinoamericana, 36(2), 164–187. Recuperado de
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Analyzing the work of the Cuban author Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, in most publications,
it is customary to compare him with a kind of Caribbean Bukowski. As well as his poetics and style, they are stylistically labeled as belonging to the literary current of Dirty
Realism. I consider these parallels fallacious, since I consider Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and
Charles Bukowski as two literary universes that, although they start from the same starting points, represent two parallel lines that will never join. Furthermore, analyzing the
Verist works that emerged in Sicily at the end of the 19th century, it will be my intention
to demonstrate how erroneous and superfluous it can be to adopt the label of Dirty
Realism in literary works.



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