Como Citar
Zamora Arevalo, E. ., & Guerra Sotelo, N. . (2022). THE HUMAN CONDITION IN THE THOUGHT OF PABLO GUADARRAMA GONZÁLEZ. Cultura Latinoamericana, 36(2), 188–207. Recuperado de
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Pablo Guadarrama is one of the most prolific Latin-American thinkers from the last
quarter of the 20th century to the present day. His theoretical and practical contribution
to the formation of the new generations has allowed him to deepen in the Latin American and Cuban philosophical thought, at the same time contributing to its development.
In this sense, we propose to analyze the philosophical theoretical nuclei that underpin
the study of the human condition in their thinking. It starts from considering that the
human condition refers to the multidimensional nature of the individual: multimencionalidad of the world of man or of the human as a world in itself whose borders are in a
permanent opening to the unpredictable that, however, can be made intelligible appealing to the resources that history offers by making it possible to generalize.



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