Cómo citar
Cuppini, N., & Grazioli, M. (2018). “Border as method” : an archive about tumultuous borderscapes. Soft Power, 5(9), 247–256. Recuperado a partir de https://editorial.ucatolica.edu.co/index.php/SoftP/article/view/2652
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The long-standing collaboration between Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson finds in Border as Method, or, the multiplication of labor (Mezzadra & Neilson, 2013) a turning point, whereas it constitutes an encyclopedic anthology of their eclectic approach to the substance of borders and borderscapes in our conflicted contemporariness. Their capability of deconstructing the reification of the borders through multiple theoretical standpoints indeed ranges from ?migrations? studies to what they call ?the operations of capital? (especially extraction, logistics, and finance), from social movements to the study of the Common.

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