Cómo citar
Grappi, G. (2018). Integration logistical complexity time and some hints on the political present. Soft Power, 5(9), 269–275. Recuperado a partir de https://editorial.ucatolica.edu.co/index.php/SoftP/article/view/2654
Al enviar los artículos para su evaluación, los autores aceptan que transfieren los derechos de publicación a Soft Power. Revista Soft Power para su publicación en cualquier medio. Con el fin de aumentar su visibilidad, los documentos se envían a bases de datos y sistemas de indización, así mismo pueden ser consultados en la página web de la Revista.


In the pages that follow I will address the topic of this special issue, inclusions, moving from some insights that I draw from Border as Method as well as my work on the politics of logistics. In its basic terms inclusion refers to the act of making a part of a structure or a group and, from the Latin word includere, to confine. In geology, this is expressed in clear terms as inclusion means a body of distinct composition embedded in rocks or other materials.

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