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Tiziana Faitini. (2024). Shaping the Profession – And Reshaping Socio-Political Inclusion. Soft Power, 10(20), 6. Recuperado de
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The figure of the “professional” looms large in contemporary neoliberal societies as an
ideal for economic activity and socio-political inclusion, and even as a model for individual
self-development, in spheres of existence extending far beyond the limited circle
of the specific types of (traditional and liberal) occupations. But how and when did this
figure arise? What has led professional activity to become such an essential part of our
personal, social, moral, economic, and political life?


Foucault, M. (1985). The History of Sexuality, vol. 2: The Use of Pleasure (R. Hurley,

Trans.). Penguin Books. (Original work published 1984).

Whatmore, R. (1998). The Weber Thesis: Unproven, Yet Unrefuted. In W. Lamont (Ed.),

Historical Controversies and Historians (pp. 95-108). University College London



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