How to Cite
Bazzicalupo, L. (2015). Hiradical historicization, geneaology of governmentality and political subjectivation. Soft Power, 2(3), 60–76. Retrieved from
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This essay focuses on the impasse threatening the sociological form of genealogy of governmentality, that is today widespread. Stressing the relational nature of power and therefore the necessary implication of the resistances in the power that contrast, it is incapable of a political antagonism. The recovery, in Foucault’s thought, of the radical empiricism and historicity of the ‘partisans’ discourses of historian and denial of a hermeneutic totalizing horizon which may be even the governmentality, is confirmed by the political parresia where ‘the fact’ of the singular and testimonial truth states ‘against’ the dominant epistemic truth.


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