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Somma, A. (2019). Pulverizing the economic power : neoliberalism and the neutralisation of social conflict. Soft Power, 6(11), 58–78.
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Neoliberalism gives the State the task of monitoring the laws of the market and, in this sense; it uses competition as a tool for the political direction of its members. The consequence is the isolation of the individual from the market, which condemns him to have only the behaviors that are automatic reactions to the stimuli produced by it. An alternative to this situation is to strengthen anti-fascist constitutionalism, which promotes economic democracy as well as political democracy. In this scenario, the State is obliged to implement substantial equality outside the market through welfare, but also in the market itself, balancing social weakness with legal force. Thus, it is the task of the public authorities to redistribute the weapons of social conflict and, in this way, to re-politicize the economic order.



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