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n her latest book, Per farla finita con la famiglia (2021), Angela Balzano introduces us to the current schizophrenia of the reproductive system.
We force heterosexuals to reproduce negating their abortion rights; lesbians, gays, and transgender people are taken away the right to reproduce when they feel the need for it. On top of this, induced sterilization is imposed at other latitudes or the access to contraception is prohibited. (p. 9)
As we live in times when with the CriprCas9 we try to predetermine the genetic heritage of our biological children, an art project that represents a hyper-performing body designed to survive in an apocalyptic world Primo Post-human comes to life. The Primo Post-human is made of self-replaceable organs and has a skin type that can resist ultraviolet rays. All of this while we continue to perpetrate ecocides on a planet on the verge of collapsing.
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