Vol. 8 Núm. 16 (2021): Julio-Diciembre 2021

The House as a Laboratory: Finances, Homing and Essential Work

The House as a Laboratory: Finances, Homing and Essential Work

Gago Verónica, Cavallero. Luci

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Impacts of soft Power on State Sovereignty

Impacts of soft Power on State Sovereignty

Van Der Veen. Rachel

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Editorial: Gender Institutions Law

Editorial: Gender Institutions Law

Giordano Valeria

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The Critique of the Law of the Father in Contemporary Italy

The Critique of the Law of the Father in Contemporary Italy

Righi Andrea

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Gender Methodologies. Domination and Oppression in a Critical Realism Perspective

Gender Methodologies. Domination and Oppression in a Critical Realism Perspective

Loretoni Anna

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The Color of Experience. Sexuality and Politics in Black Feminist Thought

The Color of Experience. Sexuality and Politics in Black Feminist Thought

Esposito Marianna

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They are Risks, but we have Dreams. Gender, Culture and Migration

They are Risks, but we have Dreams. Gender, Culture and Migration

Lorenzano Sandra

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Queering Biology: Notes as a Contribution to the Field of Gender Studies

Queering Biology: Notes as a Contribution to the Field of Gender Studies

Ferraro José Luís

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Vulnerable Bodies? Gender and legal Normativity

Vulnerable Bodies? Gender and legal Normativity

Giordano Valeria

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The “Shadow Pandemic”: Gender-based and Domestic Violence against Women in Times of Covid-19

The “Shadow Pandemic”: Gender-based and Domestic Violence against Women in Times of Covid-19

Ivone Vitulia, Negri Stefania

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Acclaiming: Notes for a Political Philosophy of the Choral Voice

Acclaiming: Notes for a Political Philosophy of the Choral Voice

Sferrazza Papa Ernesto C.

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A World in Transition? Debate on the Role of soft Power in the Future of global Governance

A World in Transition? Debate on the Role of soft Power in the Future of global Governance

Petrone Francesco

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Some Foucauldian Notes on Neoliberal Biopolitics and its Crisis

Some Foucauldian Notes on Neoliberal Biopolitics and its Crisis

Simoncini Alessandro

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Much Ado about Nothing? DDL Zan, eternal Fascism and the Ghosts of Sexuality

Much Ado about Nothing? DDL Zan, eternal Fascism and the Ghosts of Sexuality

Bernini Lorenzo

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Holy See vs. Italy and Gender Discrimination. An Example of Diplomatic Meddling

Holy See vs. Italy and Gender Discrimination. An Example of Diplomatic Meddling

Consorti Pierluigi

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Issues and Controversies Mapping in Relation to the so called “Zan” Bill (and Beyond)

Issues and Controversies Mapping in Relation to the so called “Zan” Bill (and Beyond)

Casadei Thomas

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The Trouble with “Gender”: A few critical Comments on the Italian “DDL Zan”

The Trouble with “Gender”: A few critical Comments on the Italian “DDL Zan”

Monceri Flavia

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Per farla finita con la famiglia: dall’aborto alle parentele postumane» by Angela Balzano, Meltemi, Milano, 2021.

Per farla finita con la famiglia: dall’aborto alle parentele postumane» by Angela Balzano, Meltemi, Milano, 2021.

Capulli Emma

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Gustav Radbruch’s «Diritto E No. Tre Scritti» edited by M. Lalatta Costerbosa, Mimesis, Milano, 2021.

Gustav Radbruch’s «Diritto E No. Tre Scritti» edited by M. Lalatta Costerbosa, Mimesis, Milano, 2021.

Carcano Annachiara

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